“Make Yourself a Hard Target this Hurricane Season.”
That’s what a new Emergency Preparedness Campaign is asking Tobago residents to do to increase community preparedness and disaster resilience.
The campaign is being conducted by the Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA), Office of the County Medical Office of Health (CMOH), and the THA’s Public Health Department.
TEMA, via media release, said planning and preparation are key in disaster preparedness, which is the focus of the campaign.
“The ability to maintain or quickly re-establish community and home operations requires a focus on preparedness, advance planning, and relationships with external partners and community leaders,” the release stated.
The campaign includes presentations to schools, camps, and organisations on hurricane preparedness. Participants will learn about the hazards that can impact their communities, what to do to be safe during a disaster and to limit damage, and what they can do to get prepared.
The latest school visit took place at St Nicholas Primary School in Mt. Marie last Thursday (May 16). Standard One and Standard Four students were taught about what they can do before and after disasters to protect themselves and their families against various hazards.
The goal is to increase the disaster preparedness of Tobago’s youngest and reduce fear, anxiety, and the losses that accompany disasters. The students learned that formulating a Family Emergency Communication plan and a Family Emergency Kit can reduce the impact of disasters.
Tobago schools camps or organisations wishing to host the “Making Tobago A Hard Target” Campaign can send their requests to temapublicrealtions@gmail.com, or call 660-7489 extension 2037.