Traffic Restrictions at Bon Accord / Pigeon Point

The Tobago Jazz Experience.
The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service has recommended traffic changes to accommodate the mass, crowd-intensive Tobago Jazz Experience. The public is hereby notified of the temporary traffic restrictions on Friday 25 April, 2014:

  • Pigeon Point Road will be closed from 12 noon.
  • There will be one-way traffic from 5pm along Milford Road and Storebay Local Road.
  • Free parking is available at the car park, Storebay Beach Facility, Crown Point. Motorists are asked to turn south unto Storebay Local Road from Milford Road, keep west along Storebay Local Road and turn north on to the Storebay Beach Facility.
  • Paid parking is available at the Bon Accord Primary School and Bon Accord Recreation Ground. Motorists are asked to turn north unto George Street then south unto Centre Street to access parking at the school and ground.
  • Shuttles will be provided from 4pm for patrons from the three listed parking zones to Pigeon Point Heritage Park.


World Music Night – Friday 25 April, Pigeon Point Heritage Park (PPHP), 7:30 pm

Youthopia – Saturday 26 April, PPHP, 7:30 pm

Jazz on the Beach – Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 April, Mt. Irvine Bay, 11 am

Beach Jazz Fiesta – Sunday 27 April, PPHP, 4 pm