Training For Engineers Means Construction Benefits

Training opportunities for Tobago-based engineers are expected to result in advances to the construction sector in the long term.

This follows the formal agreement with the China Railway Construction (Caribbean) Co., Ltd. to provide training opportunities for engineers in Tobago. The company is collaborating with the Tobago House of Assembly to provide the training.

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the THA and the international company took place on September 5 in Tobago.

Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles said this arrangement will provide greater experience to some local engineers.

“The company has agreed to train and expose engineers employed or selected by the Assembly to best practices, and you could add to that contemporary practices, in project engineering design, construction management and project management.”

Charles said his first official visit to China in 2017 highlighted the potential such training could bring to Tobago.

“[It] really excited me in respect of the possibilities for development of our people, and I immediately engaged the company officials in respect of the possibility of providing training, and after close to a year of discussions, it became a reality.”

Charles said it is significant that the vice president of the Chinese company visited Tobago for the signing ceremony.