Youth Expo on Next Week

Get involved”.

That’s the theme of the upcoming Youth Group School Expo that will be hosted on the island next week.

The expo, an initiative of the District Service Unit of the Department of Youth Affairs, will begin at Bishop’s High School on January 22 from 9 a.m. Subsequent sessions will be held at Goodwood Secondary School (23rd January) and Speyside High School (24th January).

The objective of the expo is to expose students to the benefits of volunteering and participating in various clubs and organisations.

Youth Development Officer Lyndon Wilson believes it will benefit the students.

This programme will provide a great interactive opportunity for youth to become involved in community-based organisations and youth groups,” he said, adding that it will aid their personal development.

The organisations participating in the expo include Junior Chamber International (JCI), the Rotaract Club, Tobago Precision Archery Club, Police Youth Clubs, Healing with Horses, Trash to Treasure and the Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force.