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Update on Residents Affected by ANR Robinson Airport Expansion Project

Today, action was taken towards the eviction of residents affected by the ANR Robinson Airport expansion project at Crown Point.

Chief Secretary, the Honourable Farley Augustine, in an update, has indicated that the Commissioner of State Lands received instructions to pause the process. Therefore, the moving and demolition of the Percy’s residence at Crown Point, have since been halted.

Mr. Augustine revealed that the residents and their attorney have received an emergency hearing and they are preparing to go to court this evening (August 11th), to have an injunction. A previous injunction was filed by the residents, in which the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) is named as one of the defendants.

Additionally, the Office of the Chief Secretary was informed that the personnel sent from the Commissioner of State Lands have all left the site (Percy’s residence, Crown Point).

Area Representative, Assemblyman Joel Sampson, remains in the area to ensure the affected family is properly accommodated until matters are settled. In addition, Secretary of Infrastructure, Quarries and Urban Development, Assemblyman Trevor James, is leading the team in exploring the available housing options that can facilitate a smooth transition for the affected family/families.

Chief Secretary, the Honourable Farley Augustine, has instructed that the THA solicits external counsel, which seeks the interest of the Tobagonians involved this matter.

An update on the selected counsel will be made available as soon as a decision is taken.