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Tobago Tourism Launches in Canada

Secretary of Tourism, Culture and Transportation Nadine Stewart-Phillips is currently in Canada to launch the Tobago Beyond tourism brand.

Stewart-Phillips leads a tourism delegation from the island, which includes Tobago Tourism Agency CEO Louis Lewis (TTAL) and other representatives from TTAL and the Tourism Division. They arrived in Canada yesterday, and the visit ends on Saturday (May 4).

Canada has been identified by TTAL as a market for new growth for Tobago’s tourism. The launch will officially reveal the island’s go-to-market strategy in Canada, and will be punctuated by a series of events for travel trade and consumer media.

The events will also target travel intermediaries, airline partners, social media influencers, local VIPs and high net worth influencers.

Yesterday, the Tourism Secretary was also scheduled to host a dinner with leading editors and other key people in the world of broadcasting, fashion and travel.