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Tobago unveils plans to “go green” at WTM 2019
Chief Secretary Hon. Kelvin Charles delivers his address at the event.

Tobago’s delegation at World Travel Market 2019 in London hosted a press event on the destination’s stand yesterday, Monday November 4, 2019, to deliver updates to an audience of international media, key tourism stakeholders and global travel trade influencers on plans to enhance Tobago’s product sustainably.

Last year, the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL) unveiled the new “Tobago Beyond” destination imagery and brand strategy at WTM London – a milestone which signalled the launch of a global marketing push which reaped a 14% increase in international visitors to Tobago.

This year, TTAL utilized the recognized global stage of WTM to unveil the vision for Tobago’s tourism industry that focuses on eco-initiatives aimed at environmental sustainability and preservation, as well as product and human resource development projects to enhance the on-island experience for visitors.

TTAL CEO Mr. Louis Lewis articulated some of the eco-initiatives for 2020 that are planned and ongoing, including the introduction of the Green Key Programme for the accommodation sector, Blue Flag certification for two of the island’s beaches, and the nomination of North East Tobago as a UNESCO “Man and the Biospherse” Reserve.

Also speaking at the press event held on Tobago’s eye-catching stand were The Honourable Kelvin Charles, Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly, and Councillor Nadine Stewart-Phillips, Secretary of Tourism, Culture and Transportation.

The Chief Secretary stated, “Conserving the rich biodiversity of Tobago is about more than ensuring it remains an ecological sanctuary. It I also about us doing our part as a small island to mitigate against the effects of climate change which continue to affect our planet. We want to do tourism in a manner that is inherently sustainable, so that we can always have the opportunity to indulge in all that makes us a marvel.

The Tobago Tourism Agency Limited continues to work alongside local establishments to sensitise them about being more green and environmentally conscious, while maintaining a positive overall visitor experience.”

The Secretary of Tourism, Culture and Transportation in her address reiterated Tobago’s commitment to seeing a steady growth in visitor arrivals through collaboration with travel trade partners and airlines, and also outlined her Division’s on-island initiatives targeting the people of Tobago.

Secretary Stewart-Phillips stated, “Some of the policy decisions undertaken are programmes and initiatives geared towards ensuring that our entire population in island is fully aware of the importance of the sector and to stimulate greater understanding and interest into the industry.  These programmes are consistent with the Caribbean Tourism Organisation’s overall plans for sustainable tourism development in the region.”

The joint delegation of the Tobago House of Assembly, Tobago Tourism Agency Limited and local industry stakeholders will continue to engage in high profile public relations and reputation management and networking activities at WTM 2019, with the overarching objective of developing a more vibrant, viable, and sustainable tourism industry for destination Tobago.