Tobagonians urged to cash in on opportunities in the creative industry

Tobagonians are being urged to develop a skill and take advantage of the many opportunities being offered by the creative and cultural industries.

During the weekly Post Executive Council media briefing in Calder Hall on Wednesday, Secretary of Community Development and Culture, Dr. Denise Tsoiafatt-Angus, said this will also benefit Tobago, as expanding the creative sector will help the island’s economic diversification efforts.

“The Division of Community Development and Culture continues its intensified approach to preparing Tobagonians to better maximise on the opportunities of the cultural and creative sector, which is important to the diversification of Tobago’s economy,” Tsoiafatt-Angus said.

The Secretary said she would like to see tourists purchasing more goods made in Tobago.

“We really would like persons to become more focused on developing a business for themselves so that they can begin to better able service our tourism sector,” she stated, saying this will allow locals to “better take care of themselves.”

Tsoiafatt-Angus said the Division will be collaborating with the Business Development Unit within the Division of Finance and Enterprise Development. “We’re hoping that persons access the business grants that are available.”

Currently, over 300 Tobagonians are participating in the Division’s Vocational Skills Training Programme training courses. The programme enables participants to learn viable skills that can be developed into a career.

The programme began in February and runs until November. It offers 46 courses of study in 28 communities across the island.