Statement from Political Leaders

Tobago House of Assembly.
Following a 2½ hour discussion at the Mt. Irvine Bay Hotel, the leaders and representatives of the Tobago Council of the P.N.M., Tobago Organisation of the People, and The Platform of Truth asserted that with respect to full autonomy for Tobago, the interest and demands of the people must take priority over political and other considerations.

The leaders agreed that they had a responsibility to devise strategies and mechanisms to translate the legitimate demands of the people into meaningful reality, and they also agreed that a successful resolution to these troubling and longstanding issues can only be achieved through a united and sustained approach.

Consequently, there was unanimous support for another meeting within one (1) month. At that meeting, the leaders are expected to arrive at consensus on the non-negotiable demands, the strategies to translate those demands into meaningful reality and the measures be implemented for the meaningful participation of the churches, youth organisations, business sector, civil society and community groups.